• lab-217043_1280

Do you know the correct operation steps of PRP centrifuge?

PRP Centrifuge PRP means platelet-rich plasma. Some scholars at home and abroad have found that the concentration of platelets in PRP can reach 16 times that of whole blood, and it contains a high concentration of growth factors, so PRP is also commonly known as plasma rich in growth factors. It can promote wound healing, osteogenesis and soft tissue repair and accelerate bone healing. It can be widely used in beauty treatment, baldness treatment, arthritis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, ligament injury, chondropathy and postoperative pain control.


PRP Centrifuge Operation:
1. After cleaning and disinfecting, the doctor’s assistant will draw 10-20ml blood from your elbow vein with PRP vacuum sampling vessel. This step is the same as the blood drawing during the physical examination, which can be completed in 5 minutes with only minor pain
2. The doctor will use 4000 RPM to separate the various components of the blood, this step is about 10-20 minutes, after which the blood will be separated into four layers from top to bottom: PPP, PRP, isolated substances and red blood cells
3. The PRP set of instruments used can solve the problems of complex process, cumbersome configuration and long production cycle required by PRP technology in the past. Doctors only need a PRP blood collection and separation tube to extract platelets with high concentrations of platelets and high concentrations of growth factors on the spot
4. Finally, the doctor will inject the growth factor back into your skin in the area you need to improve. This process is also painless and usually only takes 10-20 minutes.

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Post time: Aug-08-2023